
to my ex05s54. oh boy just look at my present class.. hw can compare to u guys lar! i miss all of u guys! really miss u all so much i can imagine everyone there right in front of me! miss talking to u guys! miss playing with u guys! miss teaching u guys hw to pon lessons and zhao sch! miss screaming and make everyone say shhhh! miss everyone scolding me dumb! miss everyone suaning me! and miss suaning everybody! i miss 05x54! )= meet up soon man. im like on drugs alr lar keep hallucinating u guys down there talking to me! i miss the class! no class has ever been so great! i need the class back! it has been a motivation to go to sch. it has been sth to keep me moving. it is sth which made me love sa so much. it is sth that really made me enjoyed life. i miss the class. guys i miss you! really so sad we split up. u guys have given me the best thing someone can give, that is, friendship. thank you all for being such wonderful friends. life has been great with u guys by my side (= thank you! miss u everyone!



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